Central Nervous System

el cuerpo del fórnix
body of fornix
el cerebelo
el cerebro
el cuerpo calloso
corpus callosum
la duramadre
dura mater
el filum terminal interno
internal filum terminale
el bulbo raquídeo
medulla oblongata
la placa motriz
motor end plate
la quiasma óptico
optic chiasm
la glándula pineal
pineal body
la hipófisis
pituitary gland
el puente de Varolio
pons Varolii
el receptor sensorial
sense receptor
la neurona sensorial
sensory neuron
el septum lucidum
septum pellucidum
la médula espinal
spinal cord
el fílum terminal
terminal filament
la columna vertebral
vertibral column

More Topics

  1. Animal Cell
  2. Blood Circulation
  3. Central Nervous System
  4. Digestive System
  5. The Ear
  6. The Eye
  7. Female Reproductive System
  8. Folk & Herbal
  9. The Foot
  10. The Hand
  11. The Head
  12. The Heart
  13. Hospital Areas
  14. Human Body
  15. Internal Organs
  16. Joints
  17. Male Reproductive System
  18. Medicines
  19. Muscles
  20. Pain
  21. Patient Information
  22. Peripheral Nervous System
  23. Respiratory System
  24. Sensory Impulse
  25. Side Effects
  26. The Skeleton
  27. Specialists
  28. Urinary System
  29. Vital Signs

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